
Korea is now in war with the enemy of humankind, COVID-19. 
Korea’s weapons facing war are quick and scientific checkup, and transparent and precise information. 

After the COVID-19 had developed in China, Korea quickly built diagnostic kits with biotechnology companies. 
In Korea, around 10,000 people got COVID-19 check-ups daily. 
As of 7th of March, 2020, 188,518 people have already gone through the COVID-19 check-ups.

Some people wonder. 
Why don’t Korea evade or hide this situation?

Korea answers. There are no borders nor nationalities for virus and it is a privilege only for people to fight a disaster. 
Korea will not run away from this challenge put before us. 
Korea knows that this war’s opponent is not only against Korea but against all of humankind. 
Korea knows well that if Korea collapses, the world will collapse together. 
Korea will in no case lose in this war given before humankind. 
Korea will win this war and will become a light of hope for the Global Village trembling with fear. Korea will defeat the COVID-19. 
Would you go together with Korea?

“South Korea pioneers coronavirus drive-through testing station.”
– CNN – 

– COVID-19 “Drive-through testing station –
At the drive-through test sites, passengers and drivers go through the entire testing process in a matter of minutes without ever getting out of their cars.

Inadequate coronavirus testing in the U.S. has raised fears across the country that people may be infected and have no idea.
In South Korea, officials have set up drive-thru style facilities that test people so they do not have to leave their cars.
– U.S. CBS News – 

“The amazing doctors in Daegu here in South Korea sent us this .
A picture of their new drive-thru coronavirus test facility. Such a clever idea and so quickly set up.”
– Laura Bicker, BBC correspondent in Seoul – 

“Once again proving among the world’s most innovative nations, South Korea has created a drive-thru coronavirus clinic.”
– Sam Kim, Bloomberg editor – 

“South Korea had emerged as a ‘wonderful laboratory’ for studying the virus. During the course of subsequent investigations,
as we start testing more broadly we discover, almost always, that there is a broader spectrum of illness.”
– William Schaffner, professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine – 

South Korea’s massive testing effort can come in, providing a valuable reference point for public health experts around the world
who are starved of hard data – offering potentially the most comprehensive picture yet of the threat posed by COVID-19 to the general public.
– South China Morning Post – 

The emphasis on diagnosis is also being credited with helping patients get treatment early, bringing the mortality rate from the virus to under 1%. (…)
Firms were granted accreditation to make and sell the kits within weeks a process that usually takes a year.
South Korea has managed to test more than 140,000 people for the novel coronavirus, using kits with sensitivity rates of over 95%.
That’s in stark contrast to countries like its neighbor Japan and the U.S.,
where the issues China experienced early on.
-March 5th, Bloomberg-

Korea is in war with COVID-19, the enemy of humankind.
Would you go together with Korea?