South Korea Ramps-up Exports of COVID-19 Testing Kits

| Eyes of World |

The U.S. magazine The Diplomat, which mainly deals with news from the Asia-Pacific region, reported on South Korea’s export of the COVID-19 diagnostic kits on April 9. According to the report, once an epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Korea’s success in containing the virus to date can mainly be attributed to widespread testing for the disease. As the situation is worsening globally, South Korea’s ability to send diagnostic kits abroad not only translates into immediate commercial gains, but helps to secure its long-term economic security more generally as well.


Last month, a total of 27 South Korean firms exported testing kits, including the five local biotech firms whose kits have emergency-use approval from Seoul. Collectively, they exported $48.6 million worth of testing kits, with prospects for April looking even higher. Over 120 countries have so far reached out to Seoul asking either to purchase tests or for them to be sent as humanitarian aid. In particular, the most notable of these requests came from U.S. President Donald Trump. On a March 24 call with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Trump asked Moon for help with medical supplies, acknowledging these would first need to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Following the model of strong public-private sector cooperation initially adopted to address the virus, Seoul has stepped up its efforts to work with diagnostic test manufacturers to help keep pace with global interest. On March 26, various international and health-focused public agencies formed a special task force to monitor the domestic supply of testing kits and discuss details of overseas support. The Korea International Trade Association (KITA) is specifically looking to support businesses exporting testing kits and other related medical supplies. KITA plans to provide information to foreign governments regarding South Korean companies exporting medical supplies, though each will first need to undergo a screening process. As of April 6, 360 companies have applied.


Until a vaccine is discovered, tests like South Korea’s are seemingly the most effective way to curb the spread of the virus. Seoul has proven effective in shipping out COVID-19 diagnostic tests so far, but to make the most out of its current position – both for itself and the world – will require further cooperation with other governments and keeping the virus in check at home.


As a country who has successfully contained the COVID-19 without forced lockdown, South Korea has emerged as a main country exporting the virus diagnostic kits and medical supplies, which could contribute to flattening the curve of the COVID-19 worldwide.

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