Let's remember who would be an amazing country when the crisis will be over

| All Heroes |

U.S. President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency on 13th of March over the spread of COVID-19.

After that, there is a lot of hoarding in the U.S. such as toilet paper and groceries.

US citizens are rushing into the supermarkets early in the morning to buy daily products, and TV news shows empty shelves in every corner of the market.

The hoarding is caused by a sense of fear that the emergency situation could result in the loss of items.


It is getting chaotic due to the anxiety caused by the COVID-19 not only in the U.S., but also in Europe and elsewhere in the world.


In this situation, Koreans’ calm response to the crisis of COVID-19 is being internationally recognized by foreign media, which is deeply moving to people all over the world.


Foreign media are impressed by the fact that Koreans, suffering from COVID-19, voluntarily donate goods and do volunteer works for people in need without hoarding or chaos.

A minute and 51 seconds of video posted on Youtube by ABC News on March 14 is making headlines around the world.


This video, which is called ‘Volunteers in South Korea deliver boxes of food to people in self-quarantined people’, is introducing Korean youth volunteer workers who deliver the daily products to those under self-quarantine.


The video shows that the youth volunteers deliver 2000 boxes of products to the self-quarantined people in their neighborhood. Even, they have delivered 15,000 boxes to Daegu, where is the most affected city in South Korea.


The box contains the items that would be most needed for self-quarantined people such as local specialties like apples and pears, and healthy foods, which is worth approximately 100,000won($82 dollars) in total.

Most of all, people all over the world are moved by the Korean youth doing volunteer work.


Hundreds of thousands of people have watched the video for just a few days and there are over 1,000 comments.

“We fight over even a toilet paper, but Korea has no hoarding.”

“The difference between us and them is that we were fighting over toilet paper while they were helping each other.”

“Crisis draws out the best and the worst aspects of the society. Let’s remember who would be an amazing country when the crisis will be over.”

“This is really the level of detail that should be the norm all over the world. I wish other countries would do this much.”

“South Korea has historically been united to overcome national difficulties. They are smart nations with a kind heart.”

“Watching this video, my heart is moving and my eyes are teary. It’s the best human kindness.”
Many foreigners around the world praised Korea’s young volunteers for showing the love for their neighbors instead of showing selfishness and hatred under the situation of South Korea to fight against COVID-19.

– source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51836898