Have you heard about this country? - 1st

| Making Hope |

As COVID-19 has been wide-spreading all over the world, the World Health Organization(WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

As of 16th of March, more than 143 countries and regions have banned or restricted people from this country into their border.

This country has been changing from ‘the country that should be banned’ into ‘the country that others should learn from’.

Under the situation of the rapid increase and wide-spread of COVID-19, countries around the world are increasingly interested in the research and treatment that has been done in this country.


The World Health Organization(WHO), which is responsible for the global disease problems, has suggested that they want to participate in the research on COVID-19, conducted by this country.


As the COVIC-19 spread rapidly in Europe, there have been calls for cooperation from Israel and the European Union, and there have been regular video conferences with China and Japan to continue trilateral cooperation.


Diplomats from more than 40 countries in this country visited the international airport to check on this country’s preventive efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.


The 15 ambassadors showed great interest in the country’s proactive quarantine measures of departure and efficient quarantine systems of immigration using advanced information technology.


“Once you enter the airport, you’ll have to download the app and record your body temperature for two weeks, we will comply with it.”
– Joanne Dolnewald, ambassador of Holland in Korea –


“I went through all the quarantine procedures to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the airport, and I found it very impressive and effective. Kyrgyzstan needs to prepare the quarantine systems in the airport like here, but we are still trying to figure out how to do it. I have learned a lot today.”
– Dinara Kemelova, ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in Korea


In particular, the foreign ambassadors wanted to know how to manage the inflow of infectious diseases through the check of body temperature at the immigration, health status questionnaire, and a self-diagnosis app.


On March 13th, it was said that U.S should learn from this country at the public hearing regarding COVID-19 held by the U.S. House of Representatives.


“There is a country that has already tested nearly 200,000 people. The country tests around 15,000 people a day, which is more number than the one that the U,S. has tested for two months.”
– Ms. Meloney, chairman of the House Government Supervision and Reform Committee.


U.S. President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency on 13th of March over the spread of COVID-19.


And on the day of the U.S. national emergency, President Trump said he would introduce the “drive-through” test facilities from this country, where people can be tested COVID-19 in their cars.

“It will be available to get a drive-through test at major locations in the United States.”

This country is becoming ‘the country where you can test rapidly and effectively’, instead of ‘the country who has increasing numbers of infections’.  

As of 16th of March, the number of infected people released by WHO in the world are a follows:

Rank 1 China 81,077Rank 2 Italy 24,747Rank 3 Iran 14,991

The number of those in this country is in rank 4, which are 8,086 people.

But there is something that global citizens do not know about. 

As of 9th of March, the number of tested people in this country was 210,144.

Rank 1

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom had tested 26,261, France 11,895 and the U.S 8,554.

The reason why this country has a high number of cases is because a great number of people are tested for COVID-19.

In this country, many people are tested for COVID-19 in the early stage, so they are taking precautions not to infect others around them.

This country is making great efforts to test for COVID-19, being the fastest in the world on testing and preventing the spread.

 In this country, people who have been in contact with an infected person have to be self-isolated for two weeks and be monitored through an application to ensure that the self-isolation is continued.


“South Korea’s most effective weapon against the virus has been to rapidly expand testing. It is now testing 15,000 people a day. Of course, it has caused a spike in confirmed cases but they report a low mortality rate of 0.71 percent.”
– 12th of March, US Washington Post –


“There is something the world can learn in Korea. South Korea is overwhelmingly ahead of other countries, according to a comparative study by Oxford University. On March 10, this country conducted 210,144 tests, compared with 60,761 in Italy, 26,261 in Britain and only 8,554 in the U.S. There is one more thing to note. The death toll of COVID-19 stands at 60 and the death rate averages 0.7 percent in South Korea. This number is lower than any other country.”
– 12th of March Germany Spiegel –